Tuesday, February 28, 2017

House Vote on HJ 9

65th Legislative Session
2017 Regular Session
DATE: February 28, 2017SEQ. NO: 817
Agenda--Second ReadingSPONSOR: White, Kerry

Do Pass
YEAS                NAYS             EXCUSED          ABSENT
N  Abbott, KimY  Essmann, JeffN  Kelker, KathyY  Regier, Matt
Y  Anderson, FredN  Fern, DaveN  Kipp, GeorgeY  Ricci, Vince
N  Bachmeier, JacobY  Fitzgerald, RossN  Knokey, JonY  Rosendale, Adam
Y  Ballance, NancyN  Fleming, JohnY  Knudsen, CaseyN  Ryan, Marilyn
Y  Bartel, DanN  Flynn, KellyY  Knudsen, AustinY  Sales, Walt
Y  Beard, BeckyN  Funk, MoffieY  Lavin, SteveN  Schreiner, Casey
N  Bennett, BryceY  Galt, WylieY  Lenz, DennisY  Shaw, Ray
Y  Berglee, SethY  Garner, FrankY  Loge, DenleyY  Sheldon-Galloway, Lola
N  Bishop, LaurieY  Glimm, CarlN  Lynch, RyanY  Skees, Derek
Y  Brodehl, RandyY  Greef, EdwardY  Mandeville, ForrestN  Smith, Bridget
N  Brown, ZachY  Grubbs, BruceY  Manzella, TheresaY  Staffanson, Scott
Y  Brown, BobY  Gunderson, SteveN  McCarthy, KellyN  Stewart-Peregoy, Sharon
Y  Burnett, TomN  Hamilton, JimN  McConnell, NateN  Swanson, Kathy
Y  Cook, RobN  Hamlett, BradleyN  McKamey, WendyY  Trebas, Jeremy
N  Court, VirginiaY  Harris, BillN  Morigeau, ShaneY  Tschida, Brad
Y  Cuffe, MikeN  Hayman, DeniseY  Mortensen, DaleY  Usher, Barry
N  Curdy, WillisY  Hertz, GregY  Noland, MarkY  Vinton, Sue
N  Curtis, AmandaN  Hertz, AdamY  O'Hara, JamesY  Wagoner, Kirk
Y  Custer, GeraldineA  Hill Smith, EllieN  Olsen, AndreaY  Webb, Peggy
Y  Doane, AlanY  Holmlund, KennethY  Patelis, JimmyN  Webber, Susan
N  Dudik, KimberlyN  Hopkins, MikeN  Peppers, RaeY  Welch, Tom
N  Dunwell, Mary AnnN  Jacobson, TomN  Perry, ZacY  White, Kerry
N  Eck, JenniferY  Jones, DonaldY  Pierson, GordonN  Windy Boy, Jonathan
Y  Ehli, RonN  Karjala, JessicaN  Price, JeanN  Woods, Tom
N  Ellis, JanetN  Keane, JimY  Redfield, AlanY  Zolnikov, Daniel

EMWH Legislative update HB 566

Legislative Update Feb. 28, 2017

Another attempt at the Trespass Law

Oppose - HB 566, EMAIL the HOUSE asap, our comments last time had a major impact!

I want to be very clear, I do not advocate trespassing on private land, but I do advocate access to our public lands and preventing the privatization of our public lands. This email Alert online version for social media posting.

I alerted y'all previously about HB 231, with the hijacked trespass bill. I have been trying to keep an eye on judiciary with trespass and this bill to make sure that it doesn't get changed back.

Yesterday morning I saw Rep. Alan Redfield put forth HB 566, which had it's first reading on the 23rd, is scheduled for a hearing on the 8th of March before the House Judiciary Committee.

In HB 231, they tried to pass the hijacked changes off as a mistake by a junior legislator, Rep. Casey Knudsen, I didn't buy it, I felt it was intentional.

Knudsen and Harris, who were involved with the trespass hijacking, are both on the House Judiciary Committee.

Redfield has added the following section to his trespass bill, affecting the same MCA on trespass - 45-6-201.

(5) In cases where it is not practicable to provide effective posting of private land as required by subsections (1) through (3), including private land that is unfenced and situated in a checkerboard ownership pattern with public lands, privilege to enter or remain upon land is extended only by the explicit permission of the landowner. Entry to private property as described in this subsection (5) from adjacent public lands without permission of the landowner or the landowner's agent is an absolute liability offense. A violator of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $50 or more than $500 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or both.

I wanted to wait until I called FWP legal this morning, to be sure I was reading this correctly and my concerns were warranted. They had not seen this, but Becky Dockter and I talked about this one for a bit, and the attempts on HB 231. My concerns,
part of this bill is confusing, stating "land" without a qualifier whether it was private or public needing explicit landowner permission;
another part would act like a trespassing trap, in that recreationists would not know if they had unintentionally crossed onto unposted, unfenced private land from public checkerboard land ownership;
by not posting private, this could go towards landowners treating checkerboarded, even partially surrounded public lands as private;
legally make corner crossing against the law, where no statute currently exists.

Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal note link yet, and again, like HB 231, a fiscal note would involve FWP (our license dollars), the DNRC (our state dollars) and the counties with the changing of the law involving trespass, the informational publications and presentations, which have had this trespass law published to educate the public at large, will have to be revised, published and distributed, at great taxpayer cost and time.

Under the definitions of 45-6-201, (5) it states, "The department of fish, wildlife, and parks shall attempt to educate and inform all persons holding hunting, fishing, or trapping licenses or permits by including on any publication concerning the licenses or permits, in condensed form, the provisions of this section concerning entry on private land. The department shall use public media, as well as its own publications, in attempting to educate and inform other recreational users of the provisions of this section. In the interests of providing the public with clear information regarding the public nature of certain unfenced rural rights-of-way, the department may develop and distribute posting signs that satisfy the requirements of subsection (3)."
These publications and education efforts would affect not only FWP, but our DNRC with the State trust public lands and connecting Federal public lands agencies publications, and the counties at least, at great taxpayer cost and time.
Legislative services stated the fiscal note may not be up for a week.

Corner Crossing
This passage could legislate corner crossing, which does not currently exist. On page 22 of the Montana Access Guide, it talks about the checkerboard situation.

"What does the law say with regard to corner crossing? Corner crossing (such at at section corners) in checkerboard land patterns is not recommended. Recreationists are advised to obtain permission from the adjacent landowner to reduce conflict and ensure compliance with applicable access laws and rules.
There are no laws that prohibit corner crossing."

There are no laws that prohibit corner crossing from a public parcel to a public parcel. While the access guide does not recommend it to avoid conflicts, there is no law prohibiting it.
While it states private land and public land in various places, it has no such designation when stating, "privilege to enter or remain upon land is extended only by the explicit permission of the landowner." Does this apply to entering and remaining upon public checkerboarded land?

No Posting Requirement
This bill, once again removes effective posting requirements from the landowner, stating, "In cases where it is not practicable to provide effective posting of private land as required by subsections (1) through (3)", discussing checkerboard ownership pattern.
Who is going to be the arbiter of what is "not practicable"  to provide effective posting?

Then it goes on to state that entry to private land from public land, without landowner permission is an offense, a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $50 or more than $500 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than 6 months or both. 

Redfield doesn't want the landowners responsible for designating what is private. Again, just as with HB 231, removing the requirement to post would cause a speed trap scenario. Conviction would not only put a misdemeanor on a person's record, but would involve court costs, a fine and/or possible imprisonment or both.

I am for preventing unknowing trespass to private property.
How does this bill help to prevent unknowing trespass on private land?
It doesn't.

Please oppose HB 566 and email the House of Representatives (addresses below)
or call 444-4800.

House of Representatives addresses
Rep.Kim.Abbott@mt.gov, Jbachmeier4hd28@gmail.com, nancyballance@aol.com, Danbartel2@gmail.com, becky4hd80@blackfoot.net, bennettforhouse@gmail.com, Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov, Rep.Laurie.Bishop@mt.gov, randybrodehl57@gmail.com, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, brownformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Burnett@mt.gov, Rep.Rob.Cook@mt.gov, vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com, Rep.Mike.Cuffe@mt.gov, Rep.Willis.Curdy@mt.gov, Amanda@amandaformontana.com, Rep.Geraldine.Custer@mt.gov, alandoane@midrivers.com, kimberly.dudik@gmail.com, Rep.MaryAnn.Dunwell@mt.gov, Rep.Jenny.Eck@mt.gov, Rep.Ron.Ehli@mt.gov, Rep.Janet.Ellis@mt.gov, jessmann@mt.gov, Rep.Dave.Fern@mt.gov, Rep.Ross.Fitzgerald@mt.gov, JohnFlemingStIgnatius@gmail.com, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, Rep.Moffie.Funk@mt.gov, wyliegaltformt@gmail.com, frankgarnerhd7@gmail.com, Rep.Carl.Glimm@mt.gov, edgreef@hotmail.com, rep.bruce.grubbs@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Gunderson@mt.gov, Rep.Jim.Hamilton@mt.gov, Rep.Bradley.Hamlett@mt.gov, Rep.Bill.Harris@mt.gov, Rep.Denise.Hayman@mt.gov, Rep.Adam.Hertz@mt.gov, greghertz11@gmail.com, elliehillhd94@gmail.com, Rep.Ken.Holmlund@mt.gov, Mikeformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Jacobson@mt.gov, donjonesmt2@gmail.com, Rep.Jessica.Karjala@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Kelker@mt.gov, Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov, Rep.Jon.Knokey@mt.gov, austinforhouse@yahoo.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Lavin@mt.gov, Rep.Dennis.Lenz@mt.gov, Denleylogehd14@gmail.com, Rep.Ryan.Lynch@mt.gov, Rep.Forrest.Mandeville@mt.gov, Rep.Theresa.Manzella@mt.gov, kelly@bigskytech.net, Rep.Nate.McConnell@mt.gov, Rep.Wendy.McKamey@mt.gov, Rep.Shane.Morigeau@mt.gov, Rep.Dale.Mortensen@mt.gov, marknolandhd10@gmail.com, Rep.james.ohara@mt.gov, Rep.Andrea.Olsen@mt.gov, Rep.Jimmy.Patelis@mt.gov, Rep.Rae.Peppers@mt.gov, Rep.Zac.Perry@mt.gov, Rep.Gordon.Pierson@mt.gov, jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com, Rep.Alan.Redfield@mt.gov, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, Rep.Vince.Ricci@mt.gov, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Marilyn.Ryan@mt.gov, Rep.Walt.Sales@mt.gov, Rep.Casey.Schreiner@mt.gov, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov, Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov, Rep.Derek.Skees@mt.gov, repbsmith@gmail.com, scottstaffanson@gmail.com, Rep.Sharon.Peregoy@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Swanson@mt.gov, Rep.Jeremy.Trebas@mt.gov, Rep.Brad.Tschida@mt.gov, Rep.Barry.Usher@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Rep.Kirk.Wagoner@mt.gov, Webb4house@gmail.com, Rep.Susan.Webber@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, winwithwhite@gmail.com, tomwoods4mt@gmail.com, Rep.Daniel.Zolnikov@mt.gov,

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Thank you,
Kathryn QannaYahu
Bozeman, MT

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tomorrow 2/23/2017 Legislative Update

Up tomorrow 2/23:  DO TODAY!

Senate Biz and Labor, room 422, 8am:   SR 16  Robin Cunningham confirmation to Board of Outfitters
Robin has been an excellent board member.  Please support with a call  444-4800 

Senate FWP, room 422, 3pm:  Lighted nocks.  Sen. Kary is once again trying to legislatively micro manage FWP.  The FWP Commission has the authority to do this and already has done so.  Please call in and oppose!  444-4800

Monday, February 20, 2017

SR 16 Appointment of Robin Cunningham (fishing outfitter) to Board of Outfitters...SUPPORT

SR 16   This Thursday Senate Business and Labor  8AM  room 422

This SR is to confirm Robin Cunningham as chair of the Board of Outfitters (Boo)

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance has been going to most Boo meetings.  There has been much tension with outfitters and sportsmen.  We have always been made welcome by Mr. Cunningham and have no complaints on how we have been treated…Something we can’t say about all members.  Mr. Cunningham has been fair to all parties including the public.  He is honest, quick, and thorough; all attributes of a good chairman and member.  He runs a good meeting.

Mr. Cunningham has been tracking Boo since 1991.  Without his institutional knowledge, this board would be hamstrung and not able to function nearly as efficiently as it has.
  Please SUPPORT Robin Cunningham for the Boo position.

Note:  MOGA has been flooding this committee with messages against Mr. Cunningham’s appointment. It is completely self serving as they have not been able to muscle every issue.

Please call 444-4800
Senate Business and Labor:

"Sen. Ed Buttrey" <ebuttrey@senate13.com>, Sen.Dee.Brown@mt.gov, clairena@hughes.net, Patrick Connell <pconnell1@yahoo.com>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Sen.Steve.Fitzpatrick@mt.gov, "Rep. Daniel Salomon" <dansalomon12@gmail.com>, Sen.Jason.Small@mt.gov, vancesd34@gmail.com, Gene Vuckovich <sen.gene.vuckovich@mt.gov>

SJ 9 Resolution on Chronic Wasting Disease

SJ Resolution No. 9
Montana Sportsmen Alliance
February 21, 2017  3PM in Senate FWP

Chronic Wasting Disease is a highly transmissible neurological disease that belongs to a group known as spongiform encephalopathy (TSE’s) that are found in mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose. Continuing research and population modeling suggests that CWD could reduce wild cervid populations by lowering adult survival rates and by altering long-term population dynamics. Definitive diagnosis requires examination of the brain, tonsils or lymph nodes after the animal is dead. Surveillance programs focus primarily on hunter harvested animals and require adequate samples to detect the disease when the disease is prevalent at low rates. Certain management actions have been taken to reduce the potential spread of the disease from infected areas and across jurisdictional boundaries. However, once detected, current response protocols are primarily directed at reducing the density of ungulate numbers in the infected area to slow further transmission. There are challenges to this approach.

SJ Resolution No. 9 addresses the major components of an effective strategy to deal with CWD in Montana. MSA endorses this approach and urges support of SJ 9. It is imperative to recognize that time is of essence and a well articulated strategy with broad endorsement is critical. There has been a significant amount of work completed in Montana that can compliment these efforts. This includes the acquisition of population characteristics and seasonal distribution patterns for mule deer populations in the high-risk areas of Montana; the on-going refinement to existing surveillance protocols and the continued discussion on evolving response strategies. Montana has worked closely with adjacent jurisdictions and with state and federal partners under the framework of International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 

We would be remiss to point out the obvious. Current surveillance strategies were significantly reduced in scope when previous federal funding was eliminated. Efforts over the last several years have sparingly focused on the collection of symptomatic animals and that represents an incomplete sampling strategy at best. If one considers the seasonal migration patterns that occur in some of the high-risk areas, and the proximity to the state’s borders of documented infections in adjacent provinces and states, there is a strong likelihood that transmission may have already occurred. MSA appreciates the budget decisions currently confronting the legislature and executive branch. We also recognize the immediate need to provide funding for enhanced surveillance efforts in the high risk areas of north central, northeastern, south central and southeastern Montana. 

Montana Sportsmen Alliance

 phone 444-4800

   Jill Cohenour <Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov>, Mike Phillips <mikephillips@montana.net>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Jeff Welborn <jeffwelborn@hotmail.com>, Edie McClafferty <edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com>, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, "Hinkle, Jedediah" <Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov>, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, "Sen. Chas Vincent" <cvvincent@hotmail.com>, "Fielder, Jennifer" <Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov>

HJ 9 Supporting release of wilderness study areas OPPOSE

This is today!!!!!  PLEASE CALL IN 444-4800   Leave a message for all House Natural Resources Committee members.

20-FEB-17    3:00 PM    172    HJ 9     
 Resolution supporting the release of certain wilderness study areas    Kerry White  (R) HD 64
This is entry level Fed. Lands Transfer.  Any release should be organic…..coming from the folks that use the areas…the public, businesses, industry, sportsmen, wilderness advocates, etc.  Some have languished long because of a lack of compromise. 

Each area is different with differing values to everyone.  The idea of collaborative working groups like the Blackfoot Legacy offer the best way to handle it. 

 (This includes the Hyalite-Porcupine-Buffalo Horn area connecting Hyalite to Yellowstone, a large swath of key habitat and outdoor recreational bliss the forest service has been working on for years to create a multi-use solution.)

Overarching Message frame: This resolution is the latest attack on our public lands sponsored by the same people who want to transfer these lands to the state and private interests. This resolution is a top down edict from Helena, that undermines years of collaborative work by Montanans to shape the future of the public lands nearest their communities.

    •    Montana’s WSAs span dozens of counties and affect communities across the state. Many of these communities have strong interest in how these lands are managed but they have never been consulted regarding this resolution. Shouldn’t they have a say? If local control truly matters, then the committee should respect the locals who also say that they appreciate and like WSA’s.

    •    This resolution adopts a failed one-size-fits-all approach that Montanans reject. This divisive resolution follows a failed model of picking winners and losers through a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach. Just as Montanans have rejected efforts to designate all WSAs as wilderness with no community input, they should reject efforts to release all WSAs as well.

    •    Montanans know best how to resolve land management issues. Montanans have a long track record of resolving land management issues through collaborative, place-based efforts that include all stakeholders—including timber, sportsmen, motorized and non-motorized recreation, conservation, and others.

    •    This resolution undermines locally-driven, collaborative efforts. There are over a dozen collaborative, bottom-up efforts ongoing across the state. Through these efforts, Montanans are working together to resolve their differences and chart a path forward. These efforts are the best way to resolve the status of WSAs, and this resolution undermines that important work. 

    •    Montana contains 44 wilderness study areas, spanning close to a million acres. These areas provide important habitat for big game, outstanding fisheries, and world-class recreation opportunities and many deserve to be permanently protected. Their management is of interest to all Montanans.

    •    Stop Playing Politics with Public Land: Montanans are working across the spectrum to reach consensus on how to manage public lands that belong to all Americans. That means conversations across fence lines and at kitchen tables. This resolution seeks to introduce more conflict in situations where we need understanding rather than animosity. 

Please consider standing tall with us on this.  Public lands transfer is a toxic subject for many of us.

You can call TODAY and leave a message for the House Natural Resources Committee: (406) 444-4800.


HB 454 Kerry White Removes Parks from FWP    OPPOSE

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance stands in opposition to HB 434.  It is similar to HB 324 Hamlett.  Our opposition is for the same reasons.  This one moves Parks to Dept. Commerce and allows the board to hire the director.  It fails to rectify assets purchased with PR/DJ funds thereby jeopardizing those funding sources. 

HB 454 is up in House F&G on Tues. 2/21 at 3pm  PLEASE OPPOSE

Phone 444-4800
emails: Sharon Stewart-Peregoy <Rep.Sharon.peregoy@mt.gov>, Bridget Smith <repbsmith@gmail.com>, george kipp <Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov>, tomjacobsonmt@gmail.com, Virginia Court <vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com>, Zachary Brown <brownformontana@gmail.com>, Jean Price <jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com>, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, winwithwhite@gmail.com, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, denleylogehd14 <Denleylogehd14@gmail.com>, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov

For reference:   See our stand on HB 324

SB 264 Distruction of Transparency

SB 264  Swandal  Reducing the board of outfitters (Boo) to just licensing.  OPPOSE

Senate Bill 264 totally dismantles the system for the oversight and accounting of outfitters activities in Montana. It effectively reduces the function of the Board of Outfitters to that of simply issuing licenses. It is absolutely critical that those who wish to act as outfitters and are issued licenses to operate in Montana be part of a system that closely examines their qualifications, operations and ultimately, holds them legally accountable for the manner in which they provide their services to the public. Outfitters base their businesses on and profit from the utilization of fish and wildlife that are public resources. As such, the citizens of Montana rightfully demand that outfitting be carried out legally, and overseen with the necessary consideration for the public’s health, safety and welfare. SB 264 strips away that authority and is totally counter to the best interests of the public and ultimately, Montana’s invaluable wild resources.  

This bill is up in Senate Business and Labor Tuesday 2/21 at 8AM:

"Sen. Ed Buttrey" <ebuttrey@senate13.com>, Sen.Dee.Brown@mt.gov, clairena@hughes.net, Patrick Connell <pconnell1@yahoo.com>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Sen.Steve.Fitzpatrick@mt.gov, "Rep. Daniel Salomon" <dansalomon12@gmail.com>, Sen.Jason.Small@mt.gov, vancesd34@gmail.com, Gene Vuckovich <sen.gene.vuckovich@mt.gov>

Call:  444-4800

Sunday, February 19, 2017


The Montana Sportsmen Alliance:   HOUSE BILL 324  OPPOSE
Up for 2nd reading on house floor Monday 2/20.

HB 324 is a bill to remove Parks from FWP and let their commission hire their own director.

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance appreciates the many and unique recreational
and historical opportunities State Parks provide to both Montanans and
visitors to the state. We believe State Parks are valuable assets as a part
of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. As such, we oppose HB 324. The
continued attempts to remove Parks organization and operation from the state
wildlife agency have been and will continue to be a detriment to the state
as a whole. We believe that legislative intervention to change the means of
selecting the Parks Administrator is a further attempt at this and is
misguided, ill-advised and inappropriate.

.    The bill is a result of the recent removal of the Parks
Administrator. This was an appropriate and necessary action by FWP.
Legislative action to intervene and modify the selection process for a
replacement by taking it away from FWP is short-sighted and unnecessary
intrusion in the filling agency staff positions.
.    In years past, there have been efforts for other commissions or
boards to act as hiring authorities for agency directors or program
managers. It has been proven time and time again that this method is
counter-productive, does not guarantee quality leadership and serves to
further politicize selections.
.    Although Parks' primary focus is general recreation, 29 of the 54
State Parks in Montana are water-based with fishing and, to a lesser extent,
hunting being important side activities of those sites. 22 of those 54 are
on lakes and 7 are on major waterways. As such, hunters and anglers have a
definite interest and stake in State Parks. Any attempt to move Parks or its
operations away from FWP, by either procedure or physical removal will be a
detriment to sportsmen and women as well as the recreating public. We
unequivocally oppose any attempts at lessening the involvement of sportsmen
and women in the operation of State Parks or its removal from the agency.
.    The FWP Director must remain the final authority to coordinate both
work and budget priorities of division work and funding. Not only is it a
much more effective business model, it also ensures good decision-making and
aids in forestalling potential issues of funding diversion and
non-compliance with state policy and funding sources requirements.
.    This legislation does not address the fundamental and largest, most
critical issue for State Parks-funding. In fact, it serves to only further
divert attention from that basic issue. Time would far better be spent
working to help develop a reliable, sustainable and long-term means of
funding for our State Parks.

   Please OPPOSE

Rep.Kim.Abbott@mt.gov,  nancyballance@aol.com, Danbartel2@gmail.com, becky4hd80@blackfoot.net,
bennettforhouse@gmail.com, Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov, Rep.Laurie.Bishop@mt.gov, randybrodehl57@gmail.com, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, brownformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Burnett@mt.gov, Rep.Rob.Cook@mt.gov, vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com, Rep.Mike.Cuffe@mt.gov, Rep.Willis.Curdy@mt.gov,  Amanda@amandaformontana.com, Rep.Geraldine.Custer@mt.gov,  alandoane@midrivers.com, kimberly.dudik@gmail.com, Rep.MaryAnn.Dunwell@mt.gov, Rep.Jenny.Eck@mt.gov, Rep.Ron.Ehli@mt.gov, Rep.Janet.Ellis@mt.gov, jessmann@mt.gov, Rep.Dave.Fern@mt.gov, Rep.Ross.Fitzgerald@mt.gov, JohnFlemingStIgnatius@gmail.com, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, Rep.Moffie.Funk@mt.gov, wyliegaltformt@gmail.com, frankgarnerhd7@gmail.com, Rep.Carl.Glimm@mt.gov, edgreef@hotmail.com, rep.bruce.grubbs@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Gunderson@mt.gov, Rep.Jim.Hamilton@mt.gov, Rep.Bradley.Hamlett@mt.gov, Rep.Bill.Harris@mt.gov, Rep.Denise.Hayman@mt.gov, Rep.Adam.Hertz@mt.gov, greghertz11@gmail.com, elliehillhd94@gmail.com, Rep.Ken.Holmlund@mt.gov, Mikeformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Jacobson@mt.gov, donjonesmt2@gmail.com, Rep.Jessica.Karjala@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Kelker@mt.gov, Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov, Rep.Jon.Knokey@mt.gov, austinforhouse@yahoo.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Lavin@mt.gov, Rep.Dennis.Lenz@mt.gov, Denleylogehd14@gmail.com, Rep.Ryan.Lynch@mt.gov, Rep.Forrest.Mandeville@mt.gov, Rep.Theresa.Manzella@mt.gov, kelly@bigskytech.net, Rep.Nate.McConnell@mt.gov, Rep.Wendy.McKamey@mt.gov, Rep.Shane.Morigeau@mt.gov, Rep.Dale.Mortensen@mt.gov, marknolandhd10@gmail.com, Rep.james.ohara@mt.gov, Rep.Andrea.Olsen@mt.gov, Rep.Jimmy.Patelis@mt.gov, Rep.Rae.Peppers@mt.gov, Rep.Zac.Perry@mt.gov, Rep.Gordon.Pierson@mt.gov, jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com, Rep.Alan.Redfield@mt.gov, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, Rep.Vince.Ricci@mt.gov, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Marilyn.Ryan@mt.gov, Rep.Walt.Sales@mt.gov, Rep.Casey.Schreiner@mt.gov, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov, Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov, Rep.Derek.Skees@mt.gov, repbsmith@gmail.com, scottstaffanson@gmail.com, Rep.Sharon.Peregoy@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Swanson@mt.gov, Rep.Jeremy.Trebas@mt.gov, Rep.Brad.Tschida@mt.gov, Rep.Barry.Usher@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Rep.Kirk.Wagoner@mt.gov, Webb4house@gmail.com, Rep.Susan.Webber@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, winwithwhite@gmail.com, tomwoods4mt@gmail.com, Rep.Daniel.Zolnikov@mt.gov, 

Oppose SB 225

MSA stands by our Conservation Partners MBA  Already done by FWP Commission!

Up Thursday, 2/23/17 In Senate F&G
February 11, 2017
MBA ALERT - SB 225 Lighted Nocks
Members –
Many if not all of you have probably read in today’s paper that Lighted Nocks have now been approved by the FWP Commission for use during the Archery-Only season.
Whether or not if you agree with that decision I think we can all agree that the adoption of this equipment went through a rigorous vetting process with the Commission. The Commission tentatives process affords the most thorough consideration of equipment regulations as it allows for robust vetting of proposals by the Department and Commission as well as generous public comment opportunities.
Now Senator Kary from SD 22 in Billings is proposing a bill to codify Lighted Nocks, SB 225. There is no reason to codify hunting equipment; the Legislature gave that responsibility to the FWP Commission and the Commission has taken that responsibility seriously.
SB 225 sets a dangerous precedent. It has the potential to result in the beginning of codifying all our hunting regulations. So instead of hunting regulations being set by a Commission made up of hunters and fishers like you and I where there is ample opportunity for public comment, regulations could be set by our Legislature.
I don’t think there are many if any of us that want that.
Please contact Senator Kary and politely ask that he table this bill, and also contact members of the Senate Fish and Game Committee and let them know you think this bill is unnecessary. See contact information below. Please be polite.
SB 225 Lighted Nocks is scheduled for hearing before the Senate Fish and Game Committee on Thursday, February 23rd.
Sen. F&G:
Jill Cohenour <Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov>, Mike Phillips <mikephillips@montana.net>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Jeff Welborn <jeffwelborn@hotmail.com>, Edie McClafferty <edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com>, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, "Hinkle, Jedediah" <Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov>, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, "Sen. Chas Vincent" <cvvincent@hotmail.com>, Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov

Thursday, February 16, 2017

MSA ALERT: OPPOSE SB236...Up today at 3PM

NEEDS DONE RIGHT NOW.  It was so difficult to get legal analysis that we are late…our apologies.

Montana Sportsmen Alliance

 Montana Sportsmen Alliance represents avid resident hunters, anglers and trappers and works hard to support and maintain the heritage and tradition of these activities on the Montana landscape. We appreciate Senator Fielder’s interest in attempting to further codify that support. However, we do not treat lightly any attempt to amend the Montana Constitution without a rigorous vetting process and involvement of major stakeholders in development of such a proposal.  That has not occurred with SB 236. We believe there are a number of issues with the existing language that create potentially significant unintended consequences. We cannot see those being resolved within the short timeframe that is this legislative process.  Therefore, we stand in opposition to the bill and urge a do not pass vote from you.
We do recommend that efforts begin immediately to bring stakeholders together in a more collaborative fashion to thoughtfully construct a Constitutional Amendment that will generate widespread support from the hunting, angling, trapping and conservation community. 
Thank you.

 MSA Leadership
John Borgreen, Great Falls
Sam Milodragovich, Butte
Joe Perry, Conrad
JW Westman, Laurel
Robert Wood, Hamilton
Steve Schindler, Glasgow
Jeff Herbert, Helena


Contact members of the Senate Fish Wildlife and Parks Committee and tell them to OPPOSE SB 236

Jill Cohenour <Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov>, Mike Phillips <mikephillips@montana.net>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Jeff Welborn <jeffwelborn@hotmail.com>, Edie McClafferty <edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com>, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, "Hinkle, Jedediah" <Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov>, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, "Sen. Chas Vincent" <cvvincent@hotmail.com>, Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov

      Desk  444-4800

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance
John Borgreen, Great Falls
Sam Milodragovich, Butte
Steve Schindler, Glasgow
Joe Perry, Conrad
Jeff Herbert, Helena
JW Westman, Park City
Robert Wood, Hamilton


OPPOSE HB 437 Proposing a 4 Day Youth Hunt
HB 437 proposes a 4 day youth hunt. The FWP Commission has already set regulations to allow a two day youth hunt. To our knowledge there has not been a tentative proposed during Commission meetings to extend that hunt to 4 days. Instead the sponsor is attempting to get the season through the legislative process.
Therefore it appears that HB 437 is a disguised bill with its true intent of removing the season setting authority from the FWP Commission and in its place create a legislative season setting process. The FWP Commission now has the authority to set seasons based on biological and social conditions
It also appears that this season could impact archery seasons, depending on the calendar and where the days fall. At present the archery seasons are affected depending on the calendar year and this would increase that impact from 2 days to 4 days.
The FWP commission is the proper authority when it comes to setting seasons. If the sponsor and proponents desire to increase the 2 day youth season to a 4 day youth season they should work with the FWP Commission rather than try to get specialty seasons set in statute.
This bill has a hearing scheduled before the House FWP Committee for 3pm tomorrow 2/16/17.
Contact members of the House Fish Wildlife and Parks Committee and tell them to OPPOSE HB 437


    House Fish, Wildlife & Parks Committee Email Link

      Desk  444-4800

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance
John Borgreen, Great Falls
Sam Milodragovich, Butte
Steve Schindler, Glasgow
Joe Perry, Conrad
Jeff Herbert, Helena
JW Westman, Park City
Robert Wood, Hamilton

Monday, February 13, 2017


HB 151  Ballance:     Appropriation for shooting range development program   OPPOSE

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance recognizes the value of the shooting range development program.  It has helped many Montana communities develop great programs and facilities. 

We are opposing this bill because of fund diversion issues.  Rep. Ballance was not receptive to correcting this problem last session and looks the same this time.

This bill is up Tuesday 2/14/17 at 3pm in House F&G.  Please contact House F&G:  OPPOSE

House Fish, Wildlife & Parks Committee Email Link

Montana Sportsmen Alliance


The Montana Sportsmen Alliance stands with MBA on the issue of codifying lighted nocks or anything else that falls under the FWP Commission authority.  Please contact Sen. Kary and politely ask him to pull this bill.  Then, please also contact Senate F&G members to OPPOSE SB 225!

February 11, 2017
MBA ALERT - SB 225 Lighted Nocks

Members –

Many if not all of you have probably read in today’s paper that Lighted Nocks have now been approved by the FWP Commission for use during the Archery-Only season.

Whether or not if you agree with that decision I think we can all agree that the adoption of this equipment went through a rigorous vetting process with the Commission.   The Commission tentatives process affords the most thorough consideration of equipment regulations as it allows for robust vetting of proposals by the Department and Commission as well as generous public comment opportunities.

Now Senator Kary from SD 22 in Billings is proposing a bill to codify Lighted Nocks, SB 225.  There is no reason to codify hunting equipment; the Legislature gave that responsibility to the FWP Commission and the Commission has taken that responsibility seriously.

SB 225 sets a dangerous precedent.  It has the potential to result in the beginning of codifying all our hunting regulations.  So instead of hunting regulations being set by a Commission made up of hunters and fishers like you and I where there is ample opportunity for public comment, regulations could be set by our Legislature.

I don’t think there are many if any of us that want that.

Please contact Senator Kary and politely ask that he table this bill, and also contact members of the Senate Fish and Game Committee and let them know you think this bill is unnecessary.  See contact information below.  Please be polite.

SB 225 Lighted Nocks is scheduled for hearing before the Senate Fish and Game Committee on Thursday, February 23rd.

Thank You
MBA Board of Directors

Contact:    Sen.Doug.Kary@mt.gov

Senate F&G:
Jill Cohenour <Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov>, Mike Phillips <mikephillips@montana.net>, Tom Facey <TFacey@mt.gov>, Jeff Welborn <jeffwelborn@hotmail.com>, Edie McClafferty <edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com>, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, "Hinkle, Jedediah" <Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov>, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, "Sen. Chas Vincent" <cvvincent@hotmail.com>, Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov


Sunday, February 12, 2017

SB 91 Clarify what constitutes as shooting from a vehicle for hunting purposes

Montana Sportsmen Alliance opposes HB 91

SB 91 Hinkle  Clarify what constitutes as shooting from a vehicle for hunting purposes

This bill results from an outfitter getting pinched for a couple clients road hunting and shooting illegally.  While we don’t have a problem with clarification, but there remains no provision for shooting using a vehicle rest.  We are constantly chided by outfitters about shakey ethics from regular hunters.  How about some ethics from outfitters? 

We feel there MUST be separation from the vehicle….a small ask.  Handicapped hunters are already covered by their own legislation.

This bill has passed the Senate and headed for House F&G for a hearing 2/14/17 at 3PM.

House F&G Committee: 

Sharon Stewart-Peregoy <Rep.Sharon.peregoy@mt.gov>, Bridget Smith <repbsmith@gmail.com>, george kipp <Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov>, tomjacobsonmt@gmail.com, Virginia Court <vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com>, Zachary Brown <brownformontana@gmail.com>, Jean Price <jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com>, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, winwithwhite@gmail.com, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, denleylogehd14 <Denleylogehd14@gmail.com>, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov




This is a reminder that HB 295 will be up for executive action Monday in House Judiciary.  Please send this as a reminder.  We need to stand tall on this one!  WE want this bill out of committee!   Please support PLWA on this bill.

HB 295 is dealing with gates on public roads.

Montana is long overdue for better law governing the responsibilities of landowners who claim a right to put gates on disputed public rights of way across their land.
If the road is not public they can establish that fact with due process of law.  If the road is public they must be held accountable for showing contempt for the law if they pre-emptively gate the road with no legal process.
Please pass HB 295.
 The committee vote will come as early as tomorrow.  Please send emails to:

And call the Capital switchboard and leave a message for House Judiciary Committee:  Information Desk, 406-444-4800.

Please be polite.



HB 295 has been heard in the House Judiciary Committee and we need to support this bill. It increases the fine for blocking a County Road from $10 per day to $500 per day. DO NOT DELAY, The Committee will be making a decision soon (maybe yet today) and we need to voice our support for this bill. It should open a lot of public land which is now inaccesable due to illegally locked gates. Attached is the email addresses of the committee. Just copy and paste or drag and drop.

Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov, Rep.Laurie.Bishop@mt.gov, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com,   alandoane@midrivers.com, Rep.Jenny.Eck@mt.gov, Rep.Bill.Harris@mt.gov, elliehillhd94@gmail.com, Rep.Kathy.Kelker@mt.gov,  Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov,  Rep.Theresa.Manzella@mt.gov,  Rep.Nate.McConnell@mt.gov,  Rep.Shane.Morigeau@mt.gov, Rep.Dale.Mortensen@mt.gov, Rep.Zac.Perry@mt.gov,  Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov,   Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov, Rep.Barry.Usher@mt.gov, Rep.Kirk.Wagoner@mt.gov,


EMWH Newsletter

Legislative Update Feb. 11, 2017

Thank you fellow literary lovers, who appreciated and replied to the last legislative update with additionally applicable Shakespearean quotes. You put a huge smile on my face. :)

Conservation - "Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting, that would not let me sleep."

Next update - Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war! Quite appropriate for the details of Sen. Jennifer Fielder's attempt on our Constitution and Rep. Kerry White's attempt to carve up Fish, Wildlife & Parks by removing the "Parks" from FWP, sending our Parks to Commerce! That weighty piracy is over 150 pages already.

Thanks to the public's efforts HB 96 did not pass after it was not restored to its original form, though the sponsor, Rep. Zach Brown tried to remove Rep. Flynn's amendment. The final vote was aye 48 to no 52. Please make time to thank the legislators who voted against this bill, they need to hear our thanks, not just our comments, especially the 12 Republicans who did not make this a partisan issue - it was a Montana issue.

Considering the politics surrounding this bill, I would like to make a correction of a statement I heard during the hearing. Rep. Redfield incorrectly directed Representatives to look at their email comments, that the opposing HB 96 comments were not from landowners, but sportsmen. Yes, emails in opposition were from sportsmen and women from across Montana, but those hunters/anglers that are also landowners correctly identified themselves as FWP license holders, voicing concern about our hunting heritage and Montana's resource ethics. These hunters/anglers did not necessarily identify themselves as private landowners, because this issue should not have been about the "haves versus the have nots". I know a number of landowners that sent in comments of opposition, including Joe Perry, who owns thousands and leases more acreage in north Montana, who also happened to be on the PLPW council. Rep. Redfield's statement is part of the polarizing problem, with artificial boxes and labels, not part of the solution.

Ooops, there were a few mistakes on the block email addresses I received. I have double checked them now. For those of you who saved the emails, please make sure to adjust your lists.

House of Representatives:
Add -   Jbachmeier4hd28@gmail.com

Add - Sen.Margie.MacDonald@mt.gov
Remove - russtempel@gmail.com

Now here's something we can support...

    Support - HB 295, is being heard in the House Judiciary Committee. To some, the penalty for breaking the law is so small, it is meaningless, like fining a billionaire $10 a day for gating off public access. This bill would increase the current fine, for failure to remove the encroachment, of $10 a day up to $500 a day. Now that may make some think twice about illegally cutting off access.
There are some who intentionally and illegally put up obstructions on public roads, to our public lands, to privatize them. Part of my conservation work involves access and I have personally documented a number of cases, contacting authorities of illegal signs, gates, obstructions, to get access restored. This is a growing problem in Montana.

A recent example of a locked, illegal gate (for about 30 years) is that of the Hughes Creek Road in Ravalli County. Generally the cost to restore access is borne by  individuals, hunting/angling groups and organizations like Public Lands/Water Access Association (contributions). Sometimes it is borne by the Montana taxpayers, as in the Tenderfoot Road case, which under Attorney General Bullock, began legal actions to restore access.

Outdoor recreation and tourism is one of the largest economic drivers in Montana, yet Montana leads the other western states with almost 2 million acres of public lands not accessible, some of which is illegal.

Please support HB 295 (Representative email addresses below)

Support - HB 290, currently in the House, Business and Labor committee. We need better commercial Outfitter reporting laws, not less. At this time, the Board of Outfitters does not have their own investigators/enforcers for their operational plans and records. Basically, they have been unregulated since they dropped the Memorandum of Understanding with FWP Enforcement in 2010 and stopped paying FWP (used to be $60,000, I have the MOU, Outfitting didn't supply my information request, I had to get it from FWP). It was years that the Board of Outfitting would not supply the data to FWP for the Private lands leased to outfitters map and the last year's map produced, 2015, the data was so questionable that FWP put a disclaimer on the map: "FWP assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the outfitter data (townships, ranges, sections) provided by the MBO (Montana Board of Outfitters). The MBO is the sole steward of outfitter data. Questions related to outfitter data depicted on this map should be directed to the MBO ."

In my 6 year FWP Game Warden Citation research, county dismissals of Outfitter citations is a whopping 43.29%. We have a serious problem here that involves our public trust resources.

This HB 290 requires the cooperation with state agencies,  annual reports that include increased information, including harvest data so that resources are accounted for, whether it is on public or private land, the name and automated licensing system number for each client. Not too much to ask for.

Please email the House Representatives in support of HB 290. (addresses below)

House of Representatives addresses
Rep.Kim.Abbott@mt.gov, Jbachmeier4hd28@gmail.com, nancyballance@aol.com, Danbartel2@gmail.com, becky4hd80@blackfoot.net, bennettforhouse@gmail.com, Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov, Rep.Laurie.Bishop@mt.gov, randybrodehl57@gmail.com, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, brownformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Burnett@mt.gov, Rep.Rob.Cook@mt.gov, vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com, Rep.Mike.Cuffe@mt.gov, Rep.Willis.Curdy@mt.gov, Amanda@amandaformontana.com, Rep.Geraldine.Custer@mt.gov, alandoane@midrivers.com, kimberly.dudik@gmail.com, Rep.MaryAnn.Dunwell@mt.gov, Rep.Jenny.Eck@mt.gov, Rep.Ron.Ehli@mt.gov, Rep.Janet.Ellis@mt.gov, jessmann@mt.gov, Rep.Dave.Fern@mt.gov, Rep.Ross.Fitzgerald@mt.gov, JohnFlemingStIgnatius@gmail.com, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, Rep.Moffie.Funk@mt.gov, wyliegaltformt@gmail.com, frankgarnerhd7@gmail.com, Rep.Carl.Glimm@mt.gov, edgreef@hotmail.com, rep.bruce.grubbs@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Gunderson@mt.gov, Rep.Jim.Hamilton@mt.gov, Rep.Bradley.Hamlett@mt.gov, Rep.Bill.Harris@mt.gov, Rep.Denise.Hayman@mt.gov, Rep.Adam.Hertz@mt.gov, greghertz11@gmail.com, elliehillhd94@gmail.com, Rep.Ken.Holmlund@mt.gov, Mikeformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Jacobson@mt.gov, donjonesmt2@gmail.com, Rep.Jessica.Karjala@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Kelker@mt.gov, Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov, Rep.Jon.Knokey@mt.gov, austinforhouse@yahoo.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Lavin@mt.gov, Rep.Dennis.Lenz@mt.gov, Denleylogehd14@gmail.com, Rep.Ryan.Lynch@mt.gov, Rep.Forrest.Mandeville@mt.gov, Rep.Theresa.Manzella@mt.gov, kelly@bigskytech.net, Rep.Nate.McConnell@mt.gov, Rep.Wendy.McKamey@mt.gov, Rep.Shane.Morigeau@mt.gov, Rep.Dale.Mortensen@mt.gov, marknolandhd10@gmail.com, Rep.james.ohara@mt.gov, Rep.Andrea.Olsen@mt.gov, Rep.Jimmy.Patelis@mt.gov, Rep.Rae.Peppers@mt.gov, Rep.Zac.Perry@mt.gov, Rep.Gordon.Pierson@mt.gov, jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com, Rep.Alan.Redfield@mt.gov, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, Rep.Vince.Ricci@mt.gov, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Marilyn.Ryan@mt.gov, Rep.Walt.Sales@mt.gov, Rep.Casey.Schreiner@mt.gov, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov, Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov, Rep.Derek.Skees@mt.gov, repbsmith@gmail.com, scottstaffanson@gmail.com, Rep.Sharon.Peregoy@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Swanson@mt.gov, Rep.Jeremy.Trebas@mt.gov, Rep.Brad.Tschida@mt.gov, Rep.Barry.Usher@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Rep.Kirk.Wagoner@mt.gov, Webb4house@gmail.com, Rep.Susan.Webber@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, winwithwhite@gmail.com, tomwoods4mt@gmail.com, Rep.Daniel.Zolnikov@mt.gov,

Senate email addresses
goodwind1.duane@gmail.com, rnewbar@gmail.com, Sen.Mark.Blasdel@mt.gov, Sen.Dee.Brown@mt.gov, ebuttrey@mtsenate.com, marycaferro@gmail.com, Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov, Sen.Pat.Connell@mt.gov, TFacey@mt.gov, Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov, Sen.Steve.Fitzpatrick@mt.gov, Mrmac570@me.com, Sen.Jen.Gross@mt.gov, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov, brian@hovenequipment.com, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, Sen.Llew.Jones@mt.gov, Sen.Doug.Kary@mt.gov, Sen.Bob.Keenan@mt.gov, Sen.Mike.Lang@mt.gov, suemalek@gmail.com, edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com, Sen.Mary.McNally@mt.gov, moe.mt.senate@gmail.com, Sen.Eric.Moore@mt.gov, Sen.Albert.Olszewski@mt.gov, ryanosmundson@gmail.com, mikephillips@montana.net, Sen.JP@mt.gov, Sen.Keith.Regier@mt.gov, tomrichmondmt@gmail.com, Sen.Scott.Sales@mt.gov, dansalomon12@gmail.com, senatorsands@gmail.com, Sen.Jon.Sesso@mt.gov, Sen.Jason.Small@mt.gov, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, clairena@hughes.net, Sen.Nels.Swandal@mt.gov, Sen.Margie.MacDonald@mt.gov, sfredthomas@yahoo.com, vancesd34@gmail.com, cvvincent@hotmail.com, Sen.Gene.Vuckovich@mt.gov, webb4mt@hotmail.com, jeffwelborn@hotmail.com, Sen.Lea.Whitford@mt.gov, Sen.Cynthia.Wolken@mt.gov,

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Enhancing Montana's Wildlife & Habitat

Thank you,
Kathryn QannaYahu
Bozeman, MT

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OPPOSE HB 324...A bill to remove Parks from FWP and allow their commission to hire their own director

Montana Sportsmen Alliance strongly OPPOSES HB 324
It was heard in House F&G last Tues.  Executive action is imminent.
Please FLOOD House F&G with comments.

House FWP members:  House Fish, Wildlife & Parks Committee Email Link - Committee Members
Sharon Stewart-Peregoy <Rep.Sharon.peregoy@mt.gov>, Bridget Smith <repbsmith@gmail.com>, george kipp <Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov>, tomjacobsonmt@gmail.com, Virginia Court <vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com>, Zachary Brown <brownformontana@gmail.com>, Jean Price <jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com>, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, winwithwhite@gmail.com, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, denleylogehd14 <Denleylogehd14@gmail.com>, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov

Switchboard: Information Office: (406)444-4800

HB 324 is a bill to remove Parks from FWP and let their commission hire their own director.


The Montana Sportsmen Alliance appreciates the many and unique recreational
and historical opportunities State Parks provide to both Montanans and
visitors to the state. We believe State Parks are valuable assets as a part
of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. As such, we oppose HB 324. The
continued attempts to remove Parks organization and operation from the state
wildlife agency have been and will continue to be a detriment to the state
as a whole. We believe that legislative intervention to change the means of
selecting the Parks Administrator is a further attempt at this and is
misguided, ill-advised and inappropriate.

.    The bill is a result of the recent removal of the Parks
Administrator. This was an appropriate and necessary action by FWP.
Legislative action to intervene and modify the selection process for a
replacement by taking it away from FWP is short-sighted and unnecessary
intrusion in the filling agency staff positions.
.    In years past, there have been efforts for other commissions or
boards to act as hiring authorities for agency directors or program
managers. It has been proven time and time again that this method is
counter-productive, does not guarantee quality leadership and serves to
further politicize selections.
.    Although Parks' primary focus is general recreation, 29 of the 54
State Parks in Montana are water-based with fishing and, to a lesser extent,
hunting being important side activities of those sites. 22 of those 54 are
on lakes and 7 are on major waterways. As such, hunters and anglers have a
definite interest and stake in State Parks. Any attempt to move Parks or its
operations away from FWP, by either procedure or physical removal will be a
detriment to sportsmen and women as well as the recreating public. We
unequivocally oppose any attempts at lessening the involvement of sportsmen
and women in the operation of State Parks or its removal from the agency.
.    The FWP Director must remain the final authority to coordinate both
work and budget priorities of division work and funding. Not only is it a
much more effective business model, it also ensures good decision-making and
aids in forestalling potential issues of funding diversion and
non-compliance with state policy and funding sources requirements. 
.    This legislation does not address the fundamental and largest, most
critical issue for State Parks-funding. In fact, it serves to only further
divert attention from that basic issue. Time would far better be spent
working to help develop a reliable, sustainable and long-term means of
funding for our State Parks.

    Please OPPOSE

Monday, February 6, 2017


Support for this bill is critical if we want some very simple reporting!  Please go Viral! 

HB 290 up in House Business and Labor at 8:30  on Tuesday Feb, 14, 2017                                                                      

14-FEB-17    8:30 AM    172    HB 290   Current Text in .HTML format  Current Text in .PDF format    Revise outfitter reporting laws    Tom Jacobson  (D) HD 21 

Contact Committee Members:  

 marknolandhd10@gmail.com, amanda@amandaformontana.com, Rep.Vince.Ricci@mt.gov, Rep.Willis.Curdy@mt.gov, Rep.Ross.Fitzgerald@mt.gov, Rep.Moffie.Funk@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Gunderson@mt.gov, Denleylogehd14@gmail.com, Rep.Andrea.Olsen@mt.gov, Rep.Gordon.Pierson@mt.gov, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Casey.Schreiner@mt.gov, Rep.Sharon.peregoy@mt.gov, Rep.Jeremy.Trebas@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Rep.Daniel.Zolnikov@mt.gov

An MSA bill revising record keeping by Board of Outfitters (Boo).  MOGA is trying to reduce record keeping to nearly nothing.  We want and need digitalization of data and want it shared between state and federal agencies involved in oversight of outfitters or the critters they harvest.

It is not our intention to interfere with efforts to streamline unnecessary paper reporting.  We want the Board of Outfitters to require digital reporting to be shared “freely” with FWP, DNRC, and other state and federal agencies regulating outfitting activities.  The harvest of public trust critters commercially comes with a responsibility to accurately report data that serves the public in the management of those critters.  High elk numbers, low harvest rates in some areas,  and shoulder seasons make this info critical to both biologists and law enforcement.  Information on the map of outfitted lands is already law.  It is not up to outfitters what they have to report and there is a concerted effort to hide info from both law enforcement and biologists and creating more damage to the industry reputation.

 We have conferred with FWP, legislators, and FOAM.  We have included their respective requests.

      Specifically and very simply, we need to know:

Who.              Name and ALS number

What.             Species and sex of animal harvested

When.            Date of harvest

Where.          Location of harvest, HD specific to private or public land.

We need from Fishing outfitters:

   Who.              Outfitter, Guide, Name and ALS number

   Where.          Fishing outfitters operate on public waters.   Board of Outfitters (Boo) needs to require recording of stream and stretch (what put-in and take-out an outfitter uses on any particular stream on any client trip date) in the client log.

 Remember, no other license group uses public trust resources like outfitters!
We encourage the reduction in paper reporting but not at the cost of no data.  What little we want is a small price to pay for harvesting public trust critters for free.  The public…the owners….want this info collected. 

Hunter surveys don’t collect the same data and the sample size (statistical significance) is small for outfitters.  Shoulder seasons, harboring, and outfitter leasing of private and public lands require this data in order to successfully manage our big game resources.

It is ludicrous that outfitters think they can minimize all of what they report and thumb their noses at the public.

   ***Note***  MOGA was given a chance to work with us and declined.


EMWH Leg. Update

EMWH Subscribers,

A Legislative Alert

While Shakespeare didn't have to deal with our Montana Legislature every two years, his sentiment is
certainly applicable - "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."

This is a quickie general newsletter dealing with legislative issues.

On the Federal level, great news, due to the massive outpouring of disgust from the public, Rep. Jason
Chaffetz privatizing Federal Public Lands bill H.R. 621 was killed by the sponsor. This was his 3rd
legislative attempt to bring this to Congress, variations occurring in 2013 & 2015.

http://zubeezone.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/More1-300x194.gif Like the info commercials... But wait, there's more...
 Rep. Chaffetz also has H.R. 622 that would endanger the public, our resources and our Federal
employees being stewards of our public lands. H.R. 622 seeks "To terminate the law
enforcement functions of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and to provide block
grants to States for the enforcement of Federal law on Federal land under the jurisdiction of these
agencies, and for other purposes."

Ben Long has a good article -  Bill to Cut Forest Service and BLM Enforcement is a Poacher’s Dream,
Sportsman’s Nightmare

Please contact your Federal Legislators and get Chaffetz H.R. 622  killed as well.

H.R.861 was just introduced on the 3rd - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
The text is not available yet, but I think the title speaks for itself.

Federal public lands antagonist, Sen. Jennifer Fielder, is at it again. She has a constitutional amendment
referendum that seeks to bypass the Governor being able to veto her attempts.
LC2314 Constitutional referendum to safeguard right to hunt, fish, and trap wildlife

The language I am seeing would seriously set the stage for privatization, Ranching for Wildlife and
introductions of "huntable" species that could wreak havoc on Montana's ecosystem, all under the guise
of "hunting/fishing rights".  As a conservation hunter/angler, I am appalled by this draft.

It opens with demanding a "right", not the "opportunity" as our Constitution currently states, as though
our State serves to provide the fish and wildlife for harvesting like some commercial market, elevating hunting,
fishing and trapping with our other Montana rights, stating they are, "essential to pursuing life's basic
necessities." This raises the State's bar from our current "opportunity" and a "heritage". Imagine an outfitter
or trapper suing the State, saying that he couldn't be regulated from meeting "life's basic necessities"?

One of the changes to our Constitution would be: "(2) The opportunity to harvest wild fish and wild game animals
fish and wildlife is a heritage that shall forever be preserved to the individual citizens of the state and does
not create a right to trespass on private property or diminution of other private rights."

By removing "wild fish and wild game animals" opens the door for invasive and exotic species introductions.
Do you want Montana turned into Texas with all it's exotic "huntable" game farms? Just yesterday a science
article came up on my feed -
Invasive Wild Pigs Leave a Swath of Destruction Across U.S. – And They Keep Spreading!
I was at the Board of Livestock meeting where a  proactive bill was proposed, which thankfully passed in 2015,
to restrict feral swine in Montana. Just this change alone would be a privatization nightmare in the making.

But wait...there's more... stating, "Fish and Wildlife management and conservation shall be subject to
statutes that seek to:
"a) Scientifically manage fish and wildlife populations." Now y'all all know that I advocate for public trust doctrine
scientific habitat, fish & wildlife management, but, there are times you have to deal with the social factor and
this statement could remove the FWP Commission and public input, such as in the river rules.

"Protect citizens and private property from threats or harm caused by fish and wildlife."
This bit sounds like it came right out of USDA APHIS Wildlife Service's manual. This would conflict with
Montana Supreme Court rulings Rathbone and Sackman about wildlife. "Montana is one of the few areas in
the nation where wild game abounds. It is regarded as one of the greatest of the state's natural resources,
as well as the chief attraction for visitors. Wild game existed here long before the coming of man. One who
acquires property in Montana does so with notice and knowledge of the presence of wild game and pre-
sumably is cognizant of its natural habits. Wild game does not possess the power to distinguish between
fructus naturales and fructus industriales, and cannot like domestic animals be controlled through an owner.
Accordingly a property owner in this state must recognize the fact that there may be some injury to property
or inconvenience from wild game for which there is no recourse."

If Fielder feels that fish and wildlife are such a threat and in need of "controlling", perhaps she should have
chosen another state to move to, maybe gone to work for a zoo and stayed out of Montana. Unless our fish
and wildlife aren't really a "threat", but a means to sue and bankrupt our Fish, Wildlife & Parks, as well as
limit our fish & wildlife on the landscape, increasing the commercialization of those that remain on the
landscape - supply and demand. These are only two of the paragraphs worth of changes she is proposing.

Please contact your MT legislators (emails below) and stop her bull$h*t in it's tracks.

HB 315 and 318 FWP Licensing changes

In 2014, as a conservation hunter and angler, I and many others, participated in a very public process to review
and discuss recommendations from an advisory council tasked with adjusting Montana's hunting and fishing
licenses and fees. The call for the funding and license review came from both the 2013 Montana Legislature
and Governor Steve Bullock. The Legislature passed House Bill 609, which requires the Montana
Legislature’s Environmental Quality Council to conduct a study of hunting and fishing license statutes and
fees, while Gov. Bullock requested that FWP begin a public effort to create FWP's budget for consideration
by the 2015 Legislature.

Nine public meetings were held in May to solicit comments on the council's recommendations. I participated
in the Bozeman meeting on May 13th. The revisions would provide an additional $6.25 million a year to
stave off deep budget cuts to fish and wildlife management programs,  simplify our licensing system;
standardized license discounts for youth, seniors, and disabled hunters; a revamped base price structure
and other adjustments to provide a fair and stable source of revenue for the state's fish and wildlife
conservation efforts.

These two bills dismiss this body of work that involved a tremendous public input, have only been in place
for one year, therefore not supplying any supporting data showing a need for revision and are another
attempt to cut FWP off at the knees, financially starving the department and the work it does.

HB 315 's Revising laws related to nonresident relative hunting and fishing licenses fiscal note shows the
revenue lost to reduced prices:
Upland Game Bird Licenses - $880
Big Game Combination Licenses - $198,859
Deer Combination Licenses - $34,621
New Elk Combination Licenses - $174,960 (total of previous 3)
HB 318's Revise nonresident college student big game combination license fee fiscal note shows
the revenue lost to reduced prices:
 Nonresident college student big game combination license - $13,478
In 2016 we sold 115 college student big game combo licenses at $505 for a total revenue to FWP of
$58,075. In the previous year before the license changes were implemented we sold 477 college student
big game combo licenses for $70 for a total of only $33,390. That is a huge difference to FWP revenue.

While we sold less tags under the revision, we gained $24,685 to fund our FWP resources.

Both bills are still in the House. Please contact the Representatives (addesses below), asking them to
Oppose HB's 315 and 318. No data to support the need for license changes and FWP needs the revenue!

HB 96 was conceived through the Private Lands/Public Wildlife Council, amending MCA 87-2-513
to reward landowners for allowing public access hunting on their lands with 1 elk license or permit
for every 4 public hunters. These landowner tags could only be used by their family members or their
full-time employees. A number of us suspected this bill would be amended making this worse, and it was.

Rep. Kelly Flynn an outfitter from Townsend, added some amendments. 1. The landowner license or permit
could designate anybody, 2. Landowner can't receive any compensation, 3. Landowner would have to name
his designees, he was setting this up to be an additional program to address some of the concerns that this
was double dipping for Block Management. Then suggested they add a sunset - conceptual amendment,
so Kerry White suggested a sunset of June 2019, which also passed the Committee.

Now a landowner can transfer these elk licenses and permits to anyone, including non-resident hunters that
would otherwise be purchasing out of state tags from FWP – and the landowner can sell access.

Don't be deceived, while the amendment text states, “An landowner may not receive compensation
from a designee for a license or permit issued pursuant to this section or for hunting access on the landowner's
property,” this is illegal and the landowners know it. Landowners can legally charge for access, it is their
right. So either this restriction will be struck in another stage of the bill or if it passes, will be legally
challenged in a court of law and struck, leaving us with ranching for wildlife.

In my numerous objections to elk shoulder seasons, I took screen shots of ads in the MT papers and on
Craigslist that landowners put up advertising access fees for elk shoulder season hunts. I sent them to
Gov. Bullock, Dir. Hagener, some FWP wildlife officials and our FWP Commissioners. Other members
of the public also wrote in to complain.

As a result, I received an email from  FWP Dir. Hagener on Sept. 23, 2016, based on law:

"Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) has received a number of emails concerning an advertisement in local
newspapers for elk hunts on private land during a particular shoulder season. The opportunity offered
includes a fee. Other than the time when they occur and the restrictions to private land, shoulder seasons
are no different than elk season during archery and general rifle seasons. Just as landowners can, if they
choose to charge for access then, they can charge for access during a shoulder season...

To respond specifically to the question asked by some on the legality of this landowner’s offering:

No, it is not illegal for a landowner to rent a cabin and/or charge an access fee to hunt on his property.
That is no different than a landowner renting his property for grazing or harvesting a crop. FWP does not
condone access fees, but they are not prohibited by law and are not something
FWP can regulate.”

Please email the House (addresses below) to Oppose HB 96.

House email addresses (just copy and paste the block into your email TO: header)

Rep.Kim.Abbott@mt.gov, nancyballance@aol.com, Danbartel2@gmail.com, becky4hd80@blackfoot.net, bennettforhouse@gmail.com, Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov, Rep.Laurie.Bishop@mt.gov, randybrodehl57@gmail.com, Rep.Bob.Brown@mt.gov, brownformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Burnett@mt.gov, Rep.Rob.Cook@mt.gov, vcourtforlegislature@yahoo.com, Rep.Mike.Cuffe@mt.gov, Rep.Willis.Curdy@mt.gov, Amanda@amandaformontana.com, Rep.Geraldine.Custer@mt.gov, alandoane@midrivers.com, kimberly.dudik@gmail.com, Rep.MaryAnn.Dunwell@mt.gov, Rep.Jenny.Eck@mt.gov, Rep.Ron.Ehli@mt.gov, Rep.Janet.Ellis@mt.gov, jessmann@mt.gov, Rep.Dave.Fern@mt.gov, Rep.Ross.Fitzgerald@mt.gov, JohnFlemingStIgnatius@gmail.com, Rep.Kelly.Flynn@mt.gov, Rep.Moffie.Funk@mt.gov, wyliegaltformt@gmail.com, frankgarnerhd7@gmail.com, Rep.Carl.Glimm@mt.gov, edgreef@hotmail.com, rep.bruce.grubbs@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Gunderson@mt.gov, Rep.Jim.Hamilton@mt.gov, Rep.Bradley.Hamlett@mt.gov, Rep.Bill.Harris@mt.gov, Rep.Denise.Hayman@mt.gov, Rep.Adam.Hertz@mt.gov, greghertz11@gmail.com, elliehillhd94@gmail.com, Rep.Ken.Holmlund@mt.gov, Mikeformontana@gmail.com, Rep.Tom.Jacobson@mt.gov, donjonesmt2@gmail.com, Rep.Jessica.Karjala@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Kelker@mt.gov, Rep.George.Kipp@mt.gov, Rep.Jon.Knokey@mt.gov, austinforhouse@yahoo.com, Rep.Casey.Knudsen@mt.gov, Rep.Steve.Lavin@mt.gov, Rep.Dennis.Lenz@mt.gov, Denleylogehd14@gmail.com, Rep.Ryan.Lynch@mt.gov, Rep.Forrest.Mandeville@mt.gov, Rep.Theresa.Manzella@mt.gov, kelly@bigskytech.net, Rep.Nate.McConnell@mt.gov, Rep.Wendy.McKamey@mt.gov, Rep.Shane.Morigeau@mt.gov, Rep.Dale.Mortensen@mt.gov, marknolandhd10@gmail.com, Rep.james.ohara@mt.gov, Rep.Andrea.Olsen@mt.gov, Rep.Jimmy.Patelis@mt.gov, Rep.Rae.Peppers@mt.gov, Rep.Zac.Perry@mt.gov, Rep.Gordon.Pierson@mt.gov, jeanbigskybigwin@gmail.com, Rep.Alan.Redfield@mt.gov, Rep.Matt.Regier@mt.gov, Rep.Vince.Ricci@mt.gov, Atomicrosie@gmail.com, Rep.Marilyn.Ryan@mt.gov, Rep.Walt.Sales@mt.gov, Rep.Casey.Schreiner@mt.gov, Rep.Ray.Shaw@mt.gov, Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov, Rep.Derek.Skees@mt.gov, repbsmith@gmail.com, scottstaffanson@gmail.com, Rep.Sharon.Peregoy@mt.gov, Rep.Kathy.Swanson@mt.gov, Rep.Jeremy.Trebas@mt.gov, Rep.Brad.Tschida@mt.gov, Rep.Barry.Usher@mt.gov, Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov, Rep.Kirk.Wagoner@mt.gov, Webb4house@gmail.com, Rep.Susan.Webber@mt.gov, Twelch1213@gmail.com, winwithwhite@gmail.com, tomwoods4mt@gmail.com, Rep.Daniel.Zolnikov@mt.gov,

Senate Email addresses (just copy and paste the block into your email TO: header)
goodwind1.duane@gmail.com, rnewbar@gmail.com, Sen.Mark.Blasdel@mt.gov, Sen.Dee.Brown@mt.gov, ebuttrey@mtsenate.com, marycaferro@gmail.com, Sen.Jill.Cohenour@mt.gov, Sen.Pat.Connell@mt.gov, TFacey@mt.gov, Sen.Jennifer.Fielder@mt.gov, Sen.Steve.Fitzpatrick@mt.gov, Mrmac570@me.com, Sen.Jen.Gross@mt.gov, Sen.Steve.Hinebauch@mt.gov, Sen.Jedediah.Hinkle@mt.gov, brian@hovenequipment.com, sendavidhoward@gmail.com, Sen.Llew.Jones@mt.gov, Sen.Doug.Kary@mt.gov, Sen.Bob.Keenan@mt.gov, Sen.Mike.Lang@mt.gov, suemalek@gmail.com, edie.mcclafferty@gmail.com, Sen.Mary.McNally@mt.gov, moe.mt.senate@gmail.com, Sen.Eric.Moore@mt.gov, Sen.Albert.Olszewski@mt.gov, ryanosmundson@gmail.com, mikephillips@montana.net, Sen.JP@mt.gov, Sen.Keith.Regier@mt.gov, tomrichmondmt@gmail.com, Sen.Scott.Sales@mt.gov, dansalomon12@gmail.com, senatorsands@gmail.com, Sen.Jon.Sesso@mt.gov, Sen.Jason.Small@mt.gov, Sen.Cary.Smith@mt.gov, clairena@hughes.net, Sen.Nels.Swandal@mt.gov, russtempel@gmail.com, sfredthomas@yahoo.com, vancesd34@gmail.com, cvvincent@hotmail.com, Sen.Gene.Vuckovich@mt.gov, webb4mt@hotmail.com, jeffwelborn@hotmail.com, Sen.Lea.Whitford@mt.gov, Sen.Cynthia.Wolken@mt.gov,

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Enhancing Montana's Wildlife & Habitat

Thank you,
Kathryn QannaYahu
Bozeman, MT

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The Montana Sportsmen Alliance opposes House Bill 96. We oppose it because it negates and violates the original intent of the Private Lands/Public Wildlife Council’s hard work and at the same time, opens the door wide for transferable hunting licenses and tags in Montana. We unequivocally oppose this practice.  Honest efforts to help were immediately amended to something intolerable!  Don’t get confused on amendments, JUST KILL THIS BILL!

House Bill 96 was originally developed out of the Public Land/Private Wildlife Council (PLPW) as a means to increase access to private lands that were not previously open to the general public. The PLPW is a collaborative resource advisory group that was created by the Governor in 1995 as a means to bring together different views and develop ideas and solutions in regards to recreation, access, wildlife and private property issues. HB 96 grew from discussions and ultimately, a delicate consensus recommendation from this group.
The original version HB 96 addressed access by suggesting incentives for private landowner participation. Those incentives included licenses tags that landowners would be eligible for if a certain level of public access was attained on their private property. Those tags could be used by family members or full-time employees of the property, in a similar fashion that Landowner Preference is allowed in the application for tags.
Upon reaching the House Fish and Game Committee, the original bill was amended and expanded to allow the tags to be transferred to anyone, regardless of relationship to the property. This establishes a basis and precedent for a formal, wide-open system of transferable hunting licenses in Montana.
MSA cautiously supported the original HB 96. However, the current version goes far beyond the original intent and proposes a Colorado -style system similar to their Ranching for Wildlife programs. That program has been rife with problems, both for the public and in implementation. We cannot allow such a system to gain a foothold in Montana.
The current HB 96 compromises and negates the work, intent and efforts of the PLPW; it sets Montana directly on the path towards the privatization of our public wildlife, with few practical safeguards against abuse. It has become a bad bill.

 The threats this bill embodies are intolerable! 
          With big money Bucks and Bulls on the line there is no effective way to monitor landowners taking cash or goods or services for access. 

Montana Sportsmen Alliance
John Borgreen, Great Falls
Sam Milodragovich, Butte
Steve Schindler, Glasgow
Joe Perry, Conrad
Jeff Herbert, Helena
JW Westman, Park City
Robert Wood, Hamilton