Thursday, March 3, 2016

MSA thoughts regarding recently passed "Shoulder Seasons"

March 2, 2016

Montana FWP Commission
Helena, MT

Dear Chairman Vermillion & Commissioners:

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance, the “Voice of Reason” for Montana hunters, anglers and those who enjoy our wildlife resources wish to thank all of you for your service to Montana’s conservation efforts. Although we often disagree, we do so as a result of our passion.

Our thoughts regarding the recently passed “shoulder seasons” are as follows:

  • The criteria, numbers 1 through 4 being of the utmost importance, by which these shoulder seasons were sold to sportsmen must be strictly adhered to. Anything less will do nothing more than greatly upset Montana sportsmen and women. We trusted FWP and the Commission decision to follow these, we will be watching that they are followed to the letter, as Montanans were told they would be.
  • There must be 100 per cent accountability throughout; that accountability spread between FWP and you, the Commission. Anything less will continue to ignite very poor relationships between Montana hunters, FWP and the Commission.
  • The data, again which were added to these shoulder seasons, must be compiled in a timely manner and be accounted for-throughout the process with 100 percent transparency.
  • Even though we were, and are still not seeing the importance of shoulder seasons we conceded they were going to be pushed through by FWP, The Governor’s office and the Commission. In this regard we’ve had enough. The time has come for you, the Commission, the Governor’s office and FWP to very publicly talk of why the tools we presently have in the tool box have never been allowed to work. In particular, going to antlerless only for all seasons in an over-objective area until it comes into objective. There needs to be open conversations regarding diseases, un-natural distribution across the landscape and of course un-natural concentrations (harboring). We all know these things are happening and we’re wondering when the conversations will begin, not just the bending to the will of landowners and outfitters.

We are also disappointed in the traction the “6 point rule” seemed to get. Homework on this issue was not done! MOGA’s proposal held no water and came from animal husbandry folks, not biologists. In science based management, multitudes of literature shows us they rarely work. We hope you never allow MOGA to push us into rediscovery of the wheel simply for their financial gain!

In closing we remain thankful we still have the process, which we aggressively protect, and we are thankful that we are able to speak, even if in very frank terms. Again thank you.

Montana Sportsmen Alliance

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