Monday, April 3, 2023

Veto Montana HB 635

 Subject: HB 635

Date: April 3, 2023 at 4:12:29 PM MDT
To: Governor Greg Gianforte <>
Cc: Michael Freeman <>

April 3, 2023

Gov. Greg Gianforte
1301 E. Sixth Ave.
Helena, MT 59601

RE: Veto request for HB 635


Dear Gov. Gianforte, 

The Montana Sportsmen Alliance is a Montana-based organization of more than 700 hunters, anglers, and outdoors enthusiasts. We care deeply about our public fish and wildlife resources, and the sporting opportunities they offer for all Montanans and people from around the world. 

Our group works toward common sense solutions to solve the complex issues around elk management. These are valued public wildlife to all Montanans, and one of the most coveted game animals in the country. They provide meat for Montana families, and a highly valued trophy for many hunters. We have been engaged for over 15 years in the tough issues around balancing their populations on both public and private lands, the interests of landowners who have them on their property, and hunters who want opportunity. 

While MSA was not part of the Citizen’s Elk Coalition, we commend some of the ideas that came out of it. Those include increasing the payment cap under the popular Block Management program, and other proposals to reduce the number of nonresident big game hunting licenses to reduce hunting pressure.

However, HB 635 is not a concept we support. 

We welcome non-resident hunters, but also, like all other states, set limits on how many. It’s a careful balance that we strike. However, once we decide how many non-resident tags to offer, everyone should have an equal chance of drawing those licenses, regardless of their social status, wealth or landownership. 

HB 635 violates that principle. It creates a new, special pool of the nonresident big game licenses for a special class – people who own at least 2,500 acres of land. While the concept that this could reduce hunting pressure on public lands sounds good, it’s extremely doubtful these people are hunting public lands and would reduce pressure there. And the numbers are too insignificant to make any difference across the landscape. 

This bill, while well intentioned, has no real public benefit, sets a precedent of special treatment for a special class of people, and erodes decades of Montana tradition in treating everyone the same for hunting opportunity. It’s a bad bill coming from a well-intentioned effort. It’s not necessary at this time, has caused deep division within the conservation community and will not help improve elk management for Montanans and everyone who values Montana’s wildlife. 

For those reasons, we respectfully ask that you veto HB 635.              



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Joe Perry

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